Best Vines To Grow On Your Pergola

Posted on: 19 June 2015

Pergolas are at their most beautiful and functional when providing a structure for a vining plant. Once covered with a vines, your pergola will provide a cool shady spot for your guests and family to sit and enjoy the great outdoors. When choosing a vine to grow on your pergola, it's best to pick a plant that will best suit the characteristics of your pergola.  Pergolas Placed in Shade It can be hard to find shade-tolerant vining plants. [Read More]

Property Manager Tips: How To Prepare For A Hurricane

Posted on: 1 June 2015

When you manage property, you are responsible for the safety of your tenants and protection of the property. If a hurricane hits, are you fully prepared? You might not be, which could mean more damage and personal injury. Here are some important hurricane safety tips to keep in mind. Secure All Windows The first thing you should do in order to prepare for hurricanes is inspect all of the windows around your property. [Read More]

Five Important Questions To Ask A Prospective Moving Company

Posted on: 8 May 2015

If you're getting ready to move, you know that there are a myriad of details to handle, everything from packing your belongings to finding a new school for your kids. It may be tempting to hire the first moving company you approach, so you can check that task off of your list. However, not all moving companies are alike. It pays to look at a few companies before making a final decision when you try to find a local mover. [Read More]

Going Away on Vacation? 3 Things You Should Do to Prep the Refrigerator

Posted on: 20 April 2015

Preparing for a vacation takes a lot of planning. You need to make lists of what you need to pack, figure out where to board the family dog, and purchase any of your last-minute items. However, you may want to take a little time to prepare your refrigerator for your absence. Items left too long in the fridge while you are out of town can result in a very unpleasant mess. [Read More]