
  • Use A Hydroseeder To Help Grow A Lush, Green Lawn

    A hydroseeder is a machine that can be used to evenly spread grass seed, mulch, and fertilizer on your property. This piece of equipment will save you time and will provide you with professional results. A few weeks after using a hydroseeder, healthy grass will be growing and you will be well on your way to having a yard that you will be proud of.  Use The Following Items commercial hydroseeder grass seed fertilizer mulch water rake Prepare The Land [Read More]

  • 3 Helpful Steps to Take When Removing Raccoons from Your Property

    If you have a home, the last thing you expect to show up is a raccoon. These pests are mischievous, smart creatures who can find ways into your home. To deal with this pest, you can take these steps. Set Live Traps It's important to get the raccoon out of your home as quickly as possible, as the raccoon may be carrying all sorts of diseases. If you don't want to harm the pest, you can set out live traps. [Read More]

  • Preparing Home For Working The Night Shift: What You Should Know

    When you finally get that new job that you've been waiting for, you are excited and exhilarated. However, when it is your first job on the overnight shift, you may not know what to expect. After all, staying up all night and sleeping during the day is not a part of your normal routine. While adjusting to your new schedule and sleep pattern can and will be challenging at first, there are steps that you can take to ensure that the process goes as smoothly and easily as possible. [Read More]

  • Three Unique Features To Include In Your New Log Home

    If you are having a luxury log home built, you may want more details in the design than with a rustic log cabin. This can be things like open ceilings in the foyer and living area, or hand carved beams on the exterior.  The handcrafted details can also be done with things like log staircases and railings. If you want to have unique features in the construction of your new log home, here are three handcrafted details you may want to consider having added: [Read More]

  • Tips For Growing Fruit Trees At Home

    Not only is fresh fruit absolutely delicious, but it is also very versatile, as it can be used to make salads, glazes, chutneys, smoothies, and dessert. Unfortunately, it can be rather expensive to purchase fresh fruit from the grocery store on a regular basis. If you're interested in growing fruit trees at home, here are a few tips that will help you do just that. Keep Space in Mind Before you start purchasing saplings from your local nursery, you should determine how much space you have available to dedicate to fruit trees. [Read More]

  • Put A Lock On It: Keep Thieves Out Of Your Garden Shed With Advanced Locks

    There's nothing more frustrating than losing your expensive or valuable gardening tools to thieves, especially when you need those tools to keep up your home's lawn, gardens and trees. But there's a theft-proof way to protect your steel edger, sprayer and other costly equipment. You can call in a professional locksmith like Bob's Lock & Key and lock your shed up tight. Here are some amazing locking features you can add to your gardening shed. [Read More]

  • Indoor Gardening: Planting Flower Bulbs In Glass Containers

    For centuries people have looked to flowers as a source of comfort and cheer. Unfortunately, in colder climates the winter months make it difficult for flowers to grow. If you get discouraged by the lack of foliage in winter, there is a way for you to enjoy the colorful blossoms provided by your favorite flower year round. The solution is simple; plant flower bulbs in glass containers: Gather The Right Supplies [Read More]